Bollywood Hunk Salman Khan is back to the box office with Jai Ho. The movie is releasing today and the entire Bollywood industry has pinned high hopes on this flick as it the first biggest release of the year 2014. Without waiting for the early reports, the trade analysts are estimating the movie's collections to touch the 200 crore club which is currently a new bench mark in Bollywood.
But having scored considerably hits with his previous movies Ek Tha Tiger and Dabangg 2, Salman missed the 200 crore club and all eyes are on Jai Ho. He has been promoting the movie across the country and guess what Jai Ho is releasing in 5000 screens worldwide. The trailers have garnered good response however the music failed to impress the music lovers.
Jai Ho is directed by his brother Sohail Khan and it is remake of Telugu film Stalin which plot is based on common man and corruption. Hope the Dabangg hero will make it grandly to the 200 crore club and also create a milestone of 300 crore club. What say?