Mahesh Babu is so loved that fans wear their love for him on their sleeve. Now, they can quite literally wear the star on their shirts, with 1 Nenokkadine shirts available in the market. This is one trend that we know for sure where it originated.
There is no question of what the fans are wearing, because someone had the bright idea to print the film's logo on the shirts. The shirts in question have not just Mahesh's image, but his Nenokkadine look. One type of shirt features his back with the number 1 in the background and another features him in the famous bike pose.
Admirers have received the accessories of 1 Nenokkadine with lot of enthusiasm, making the merchandise the latest trend. The film's Hyderabad shooting schedule has been wrapped up earlier this week and the team will head to Bangkok next week. Cast and crew of 1 Nenokkadine will take part in the latest schedule for another 40 days before returning back.
(AW: Sruthi)