Junior NTR's "Ramayya Vastavayya" is busily engaged in the shooting schedules at Ramoji Film City under the direction of Harish Shankar. As of now, the release of the movie is expected to be on 27th September. Incidentally Sep 27 is the day on which NTR’s hit 'Student No.1' was released.
Samantha and Shruti Hasan are taking female lead roles in the movie. SS Thaman is giving musical support. Dilraju is producing the film with a huge budget.
As it is heard from the reliable sources, NTR is going to appear in three roles although it is not confirmed by the main heads of the unit- two by Jr.NTR and one by Sr.NTR like in Yamadonga. It is also heard that a political angle also will be there in the movie apart from NTR’s powerful student role.