You all know that Rajamouli and Prabhas have teamed up yet another time for a prestigious project titled Baahubali. If buzz is to believed, the movie would go on floors sometime in April. The sources close to Tollywood told Andhra Wishesh that the team would initially start off with simple scenes and then move one with more sweat demanding scenes after a couple of weeks.
Baahubali is a multi starrer movie that has Prabhas and Rana in the lead roles although much of the focus would be on Prabhas' character. Anushka is playing female lead in this movie. This movie was decided long back and Rajamouli reportedly spent some good time in designing the special weapons for this movie.
Baahubali is going to be made in Tamil and Hindi versions too. Award winning director and alumnus of FTII, Pune, Mr Senthil Kumar is cinematographer of Baahubali. The movie will supposedly be technically a rich one. Let us hope that this much anticipated movie hits theatres in 2013 itself.
(AW Phani)