Eccentric film maker Ram Gopal Varma, who will be in news for his controversial movies, is all set to meet the legendary film maker Steven Spielberg. The dynamic film maker was invited by Anil Ambani, whose Reliance Entertainment funded for Dream Works Studios. Since Spielberg is one of the co-founders of Dream Works, he readily accepted the invitation of Anil Ambani.
Notably, this would be the first time for Spielberg to come to India. He would be meeting a team of film personalities that include Ram Gopal Varma apart from Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Sanjay Leela Bansali, Farah Khan, Habib Faisal, Prabhu Deva and Anurag Kashyap.
It was reported that Spielberg would discuss the films being made in India and would also tell the team a few tips for an effective cinema. Anyway, it's like a dream come true for Ram Gopal Varma as he said many times that Spielberg was his inspiration.
(AW Phani)