Versatile actor Siddharth seems to be happy with Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. Siddharth, one of the outspoken actors, has posted to his twitter that SVSC had no mindless violence and hailed the team for giving a wonderful tweet to Telugu audience. Mega star fans were unhappy that Siddharth didn't mention anything about Naayak movie. Some even wondered whether he indirectly targetted Naayak movie in his praise for SVSC. Anyway, if we look the statement from a positive angle, it can be learned that Tamil industry folks are hailing Telugu film, which itself is a victory. The credit obviously goes to the entire Tollywood industry. Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chetty (SVSC) evoked solid response with all Telugu people thronging to theatres for watching this complete family entertainer.
(AW Phani)