Tollywood producer Thammareddy Bharadwaj, who's also the president of AP Film Chamber of Commerce has said that people who indulge in piracy-even online-would not be spared. He said that online piracy has been spreading its ill wings rapidly these days. Also, he said a youth was recently caught by the anti piracy cell of Tollywood while he was allegedly posting Nayak movie, after a day of its release, to 17 websites. The accused has been pardoned this time since it's the first case of online piracy and it's also an alarm to others so that they won't indulge in such things, he said. He has also said that no one would be allowed to escape next time. Further, he reminded that online piracy is a crime that attracts penal code.
Piracy has been plaguing Tollywood industry for quite sometime. While pirating is a crime, encouraging it by watching a pirated movie is also a crime. Actors, directors, producers,junior artistes, light men etc all lead a life on the money that we shell in watching movies at theatres. By watching pirated movies, we would only be hitting their stomachs. Why hit on someone's stomach? So, say no to piracy. If you want to watch a movie, watch it only in theatre.
(AW Phani)