Apart from his most busiest schedule as an Actor, Ram Charan who is very happy since his today's release 'Nayak' got a positive response after the morning show says, as of now, Acting and doing more quality films is his priority and says his dream of being a producer can wait for some more time... 'I wanted to become a producer, launching Dad again through his 150th film... but, Dad has got different plans altogether, so I have decided to wait and concentrate on my films as an Actor, completely', said the actor...
Apart from his fourth coming film, 'Yevadu' Cherry has pinned up hopes on his B-Town debut 'Zanjeer' and says he has enjoyed working with heroine Priyanka Chopra and admires her commitment towards work.
According to Charan, larger than life roles are his way to attain Stardom, as told by the Actor to a daily.