India's most innovative star Kamal Haasan is now going global with an offer from Hollywood. The star has been offered a Hollywood movie by The Lord of the Rings producer Barrie Osborne. The theme of the story would be an Indian background narrated the Hollywood way. This will be the debut offer for this towering performer. Kamal who was recently at the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA), SIngapore, was glad to accept this offer made during the visit. Kamal has been a one-man-show on all his projects and sometimes adoring the technical hats too.
The actor said in an interview, `The world has seen his (Barrie) work. You keep doing hard work but you are not sure if it is good work. It is only after people like Barrie approach you and make you realise.' The versatile actor-filmmaker is all set to get his project Viswaroopam on the screens across the nation. "The lineage that Barrie comes with is close to my heart. All the heroes that I have looked up to have worked with him. He has worked with champions of Hollywood like Cappola (Francis Ford Coppola)," he added.
"It was a pleasure to meet Kamal (Haasan) over the years. Recently, he came to Hollywood to do some of his work on his new film 'Vishwaroopam'. I was invited to see the film and I was impressed.” said Osborne. "After that we started talking about the idea to work together. It is such an honour to know him because his knowledge of literature and films is like that of an encyclopedia. We started to talk about the possibility of working together and explore different avenues. Kamal presented an idea to me that I felt was compelling," he added.
Well the film say sources will be penned by noneother than the versatile actor himself. The subjetc is yet to be decided yet. (With inputs from internet-AarKay)