Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has finally seen a biggest hit which is none other than his recently released movie Rowdy Rathore.As this movie is said to be biggest solo opening.The actor Akshay Kumar has thanked all his fans on Twitter: "I am very much thankful to all my fans and also a huge thank you for them! You are the only reason behind the biggest hit! Love Rowdy."
Made in a budget of Rs. 45 crore, the film has already collected Rs. 48.5 crore in the opening weekend. Film critic Taran Adarsh tweeted: "#RowdyRathore rakes in Rs. 48.5 crore in 3 days."
"RowdyRathore Breakup:- Fri 15.1 cr, Sat 14.7 cr, Sun 18.5 cr +. Total: Rs. 48.5 cr + nett. Biggest non-holiday weekend. Fantabulous," he added.
His another tweet read: "#RowdyRathore Monday trends: Rocking... Expect a big, fat total on Monday... 'Wowdy' Rathore!"
He also pointed out that if only Friday to Sunday numbers are collated, Rowdy Rathore is a bigger opener than Agneepath. "#RowdyRathore has smashed previous records by a big margin. Collects a colossal Rs. 48.3 cr + nett in its first 3 days. #RowdyRathore biz is *better* than this year's first Blockbuster #Agneepath, if one compares Friday to Sunday numbers... #Agneepath had advantage of 4-day weekend [Thu to Sun], so weekend total is bigger [Thu 23 cr, Fri 12.75 cr, Sat 14.5 cr, Sun
The film directed by Prabhu Deva is also the third biggest opener ever. "#RowdyRathore is the third biggest opener ever, after #Agneepath and #Bodyguard. Incidentally, all three films are remakes!" the trade expert wrote on his Twitter page.
"#RowdyRathore *India* Fri 15.10 cr nett. Biggest non-holiday Friday opener. O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G," he added.
Trade analyst Komal Nahta thinks the film has the potential to cross 100 crore mark: "Straight B-L-O-C-K-B-U-S-T-E-R! That's what Rowdy Rathore is!! Next 100-crore film? All chances!"
This film is said to be Akshay's widest release on 2,800 screens in the country.The female lead role in this film is Sonakshi Sinha.This film has been Co-produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Ronnie Screwvala, and this film has marked Akshay's return as an action hero.