After making a rewarding debut with 'Baanam', that turned out to be a critically acclaimed film, Nara Rohit played yet another extra ordinary role in his latest success 'Solo' that turned out to be a complete family entertainer, showcasing the acting skills in Rohit at a major extent. Not even two films old, Rohit is on his way to do variety genre of roles and films...
Even though his fourth coming film 'Okkadine', that is in shooting stage as of now, happens to be a family entertainer like that of his earlier film 'Solo', the treatment of the story is completely different as per the director of the film, Srinivas Raaga... C.V. Reddy is producing this film... the unit is excited about the music given by Karthik for this love – family entertainer, in which Rohit is teamed up with Nitya Menon...
This film about a guy who completely believes in our values and up for a joint family now, if his girl also has this same thought or not, we need to see on silver screen.
Well, I personally feel, this film of Rohit would be more or less similar to his earlier flick, 'Solo', but waiting for the director's thought on making 'Okkadine', to appear new and yet entertaining for the audience.