The IT department officials, who conducted raids on popular stars Akkineni Nagarjuna, Ravi Teja, Anushka and producers Akkineni Venkat and D. Sivaprasad Reddy, on Thursday gave them a one week time to provide clarifications on the huge amounts spent on purchasing lands in various parts of the state.
The officials asked them to provide details of sources on the investments made in lands in some cities including Visakhapatnam and issued notices to all of them to this effect. The IT department suspects that the investments were made by the stars with black money. Sources revealed that the stars did not mention the details of their land holdings and other properties in their IT returns.
It may be mentioned that the IT department teams had recovered key documents during their raids on their houses and offices on Wednesday. The officials raided the houses and offices of hero Nagarjuna including the Annapurna Studios and houses of other stars and producers.