Sachin Tendulkar the star Cricketer has announced that he is going to retire from the Test Cricket after his 200th Test that is going to be held in November between India and West Indies. He said that it will be his last test match.
Sachin while talking to the media representatives at Mumbai said that he has been having a single dream for the last 24 years that is playing cricket representing India. He said that he has been playing cricket from the age of 11 and it is hard to imagine life without cricket.
He decided to retire after completing 200 test matches and the last one he wanted to be on the mother land. Sachin has already retired from one day matches in March 2012.
Sachin who has a total runs of 18426 in One Day Matches and 15837 in Test Matches to his credit with 51 centuries and 67 half centuries thanked BCCI, his family members and his fans for their support in his cricket life.