Apollo Hospitals founder and chairman Prathap C Reddy said that his daughter Preetha Reddy is likely to succeed him as the chairman of the group and added that the ownership shares of the Apollo Hospitals is divided equally and there was no change in Preetha Reddy's shareholding.
A major re-organisation of its top leadership was done on Wednesday in which Preetha Reddy, Managing Director, and Shobana Kamineni, Executive Director [Special Initiatives], have been re-designated as Executive Vice-Chairpersons of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited.
The other daughters of Prathap C Reddy, Suneeta Reddy and Sangita Reddy were also re-designated as managing director and joint managing director respectively.
The Apollo Hospitals released a statement on Preetha Reddy's role which said she will work closely with the organisation’s 8,000 clinicians in reviewing global medical advancements and in introducing contemporary protocols to further enhance clinical outcomes.
Regarding the revamp, Mr Reddy said to maximize the growth as predicted in the strategy, which was developed in close co-ordination with all stakeholders, including external consultants. Later he added that, “we have 40 million patients around 120 countries and our responsibility has increases to give the best care to our customers.”
(AW: Vamshi)