If panic buying is your way of self assessment, then this is not the right moment with foreign direct investment (FDI) proposal into the retail segment, FDI in retail round the corner. Indian consumer is sure to get the most benefited from the deal, more global brands, more competent pricing, more deals and offers. All of these and more are sure to take over you shortly. But just calm down as more goodies would come when the FDI try to make a strategy to survive. The cash strapped proposals will be robust with activity in the beginning, but as and when the reality dawns on them that pricing plays a vital thrust on the average Indian psych, then the real competent wars start.
Just relax watching them unfold and draw battle lines, a worthy proposition, as more is due in the later stages. But then if you are desperate, check the details well before buying a deal. This way it will be a little time consuming but the exercise is worth while for the pocket. Get more by spending less must be the watch word now for the average Indian consumer.
Apart from the looming controversies FDI in retail is come to stay and if it has any negative implications it is the ardent function of ruling governance to avoid the bad and deliver the Good. That is the reason we vote, is it not. One thing is sure even the utilities of the atom had its own repercussions. There were many combinations of molecules that yielded wonderful products, but at the same time there was also the devastating atom bomb that came in as a combo offer.
Similarly there is definitely going to be wide spread discussion over the issue. But with the Congress keeping a check on its partners nothing could topple the reforms that are set into motion. Apart from that the consumer will be the most benefited and when we say this the entire nation is a consumer of some sorts. It will give the much needed fillip to the entire textiles industry. Employment opportunity will be created in plenty. Manufacturing activities will get a boost. Apart from bringing in adequate money into the system, we are sure to get the best out of the issue. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)