Economy or Corruption? Which is a bigger problem

September 13, 2012 18:04
Economy or Corruption? Which is a bigger problem

India, the country as a whole, had been pestered by several scams, the coal block allocation scam recently which was unearthed by the CAG report. However, a new Pew Research conducted in the country mentions that the government should lay its focus not on the scams but the economy of the nation for now to witness any development.

However, its reports don't deny that corroption or crime should be managed in the nation but it only emphasizes that economy should be our number one worry followed by corruption and crime.  In the survey there were less than 50% of people in the whole nation who were happy with the present economic status of the nation as of 2012. You may contend that that is a pretty good figure and the worry for economy could not be completely true. However, the number had drastically reduced compared to the last year's statistics which proved that there were at least 56% of the population of the nation who were happy with the nation's economy.

This proves that instead of developing and progressing towards higher goals, our country had been receeding and struggling to maintain the standards achieved. Over 66% of the people mentioned that the future for the kids is not going to be an easy one. In the world over 81% of the people opine that the next generation would have a tough time.

One not very surprising fact, despite the number, is that 92% of the surveyed people all over the nation say that it is the irresposibility of the government that has brought today's state of affairs in the country's economy.

Bruce Stokes, the director of the agency, Pew Research, mentioned that the mood of the people is down since the economy had fallen significantly, which is also much greater compared to the drop that China or Brazil experienced.

The research concluded that the top concerns for the state should be the several aspects of the poor economy indicating the disparity between the rich and the poor, growth rate etc, followed by the corruption both public and private. The third major fator that people think the government should work on is the crime, but only after economy and corruption.

(AW- Anil)

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Coal Block allocations  Corruption  Economy