World Environment Day (WED) means to all of us across the globe. This was simply narrated in Sanskrit, `Vruksho Rakshathi Rakshathaha’ (save trees they will save you). Well the United Nations Environment program is keen on raising the Green Economy stakes globally. It is our collective responsibility to probe ways to contribute in this area. This year the WED is defined to Green Economy. Globally this day is for us to realize that every action of ours could be redesigned to maintain the sanctity of our environment. Logic thinkers call it environment while the visionary veterans call it the nature. Carefully dealing with nature by helping to maintain eco-balance will bounce back to give us the best, in return.
So what does Green Economy mean to all of us the UN websites quotes as, 'The UN Environment Programme defines the Green Economy as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.'
Global slow down since 2007 has hit the human race worst when compared to the 1937 crisis and economists call this period is the leanest patch in the global economy ever known. The new Green Economy is therefore a proposal for an alternative and far more sustainable way of doing business.
As per the UN analysis, 'The UNEP-led Green Economy Initiative, launched in late 2008, provides a comprehensive and practical working mechanism, through analysis and policy support for investing in green sectors and in greening environmental unfriendly sectors. The Green Economy Initiative has three main activities, which are to produce a Green Economy Report and related research materials, which will analyze the macroeconomic, sustainability, and poverty reduction implications of green investment in a range of sectors; to provide advisory services on ways to move towards a green economy in specific countries; and to engage a wide range of research, non-governmental organizations, business and UN partners in implementing the Green Economy Initiative.'
However on this day Wishesh joins all of you, in taking a firm decision in joining this revolution towards mutual prosperity. Hope this world will be a friendlier place to live in for our future generations. Considering it as our duty and an objective will yield faster results by profound participation. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)