Fisherman traces an unopened whiskey bottle in the stomach of a fish:- In a shocking incident, a fisherman could find an unopened bottle of a whiskey in the stomach of a fish and the video is now going viral all over. In the video byte, the fisherman is spotted popping the fish on a table and he starts carving off the larger piece. He notices something unusual in the stomach and he cuts the organ to squeeze the strange object from the stomach. Leaving everyone in surprise, the object is nothing but an unopened whiskey bottle and his friends it is a jackpot for him. The video is now trending on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter and other social media platforms.
There are speculations that the video is fake and the footage was real. Some of them posted this in their comments how the fish could swallow such a huge bottle and how it was left unbroken. Some of them posted that the fisherman shoved the bottle from the throat before he shot the video. He then filmed the video to surprise and catch everyone's attention. It is not easy for the sea creatures to swallow such huge objects and many are left wondered who would throw a complete bottle of whiskey.
(Video Source: Ganguteli Virals)