It is not by mistake or by non-medical professionals. A patient died at the Mamata Nursing Home at Jammikunta in Karimnagar district was fixed with oxygen mask for 6 hours by Dr.Sudhakara Rao and the hospital Staff.
Karepalli Srinivas aged 30 attempted to commit suicide consuming pesticide was dead at 5.00 am on Wednesday was treated for 6 hours after his death fearing agitation from his relatives.
On coming the truth out the doctor tried to throw the blame on hospital staff but they said that the doctor knew that Srinivas was dead but still instructed them to fix oxygen mask and they simply followed his instructions.
Srinivas married with a three months old son was scolded by his parents that made him to commit suicide. Compensation was paid later and the doctor and the relatives of Srinivas compromised to close the issue.