Yoshinobu Fujioka is a Japanese Buddhist monk but his is much different from the other monks you know from the movies. He runs a bar.
Yes, you heard me right, a Buddhist Monk runs a bar but for all good reasons that you can think of. The bar doesn't have karaoke but instead has Buddhist chants where several people congregate and have a sip of their favorite alcoholic beverages and even some divine cocktails.
The Vowz Bar in central Tokyo is a revolutionary idea to bring together the newer generation together towards spirituality by helping them with sermons from Buddhism.
The owner of the bar says, this was a novel approach for people with the tradition being updated to the current day trends. In the end, the propagation of the religion still continues. He adds that the patrons of the bar have completely different level of belief that is almost on par with the monks.
The 13 year old bar has some special cocktails that have interesting ingredients and names. Perfect Bliss is a nice mixture of Vodka and Cognac. Infinite Hell on the other hand is red with rasberry liquer, Cranberry juice and a dash of tonic. The specialty of the bar is Enslavery to Love and Lust, with a secret recipe and costs over $8.50.
(AW- Anil)