Employee runs for life, loses her job

October 26, 2012 17:57
Employee runs for life, loses her job

An employee of Arby's was fired off her job after she ran for her life from armed robbers, which violated the company's norms. This piece of news has trigerred a new debated among the media circles. As per the company rules of Arby's, two employees have to be on duty all the time. Fifty-six-year old Mary Archer was working at Arby's for the past 23 years. And now she says, she doesn't want to go back to that company even if they want her back.

Archer even stressed that she wanted everyone to know how good the company was. She was working as an assistant manager.  The incident occurred when Mary Archer opened the door and noticed an armed man who shouted 'give me the money.' She quickly jumped of the emergency door shouting 'I'm not going to die at Arby's tonight.'


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