The notorious Japanese man who gorged a whopping 1000 slices of bacon with a burger is back again to ensure that he is not forgotten. However he has a new trick up his sleeve, similar to the last stunt. He has replaced the bacon with cheese and consumed the mountain of burger with 1000 cheese slices.
The 'cewebrity' eating star, who is known simply as Mr Sato, was spotted on the roads trying to haul the massive order back home from a Burger King restaurant.
The burger with the thin squares of cheese amounts to a whopping, 45,000 calories. Hello, Atherosclerosis!
The video showing him going down on the bacon burger went viral with over 1.3 million views already and was posted by the company he as working for on YouTube. The latest attempt drew two hundred thousand views already in less than 2 days.
Mr. Sato works for His friends said he was their “Guinea pig” and if they have some crazy ideas they always recommend Sato to try it first.
AW- Anil