After the news that Sachin Tendulkar was unavailable for the second edition of the Formula One Indian Grand Prix as he had decided to play for his Mumbai team after a long hiatus of 3 years, the lens moved on to the Sports Minster but it was later fixed on the Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan. The muscular celeb was known to be present at the venue to witness the second iteration of the mega event in India's own F1 track at the Buddh International Circuit, BIC. Organizing members have contacted Hrithik Roshan for waving the checkered flag this year.
"We have recommended Hrithik's name and we expect to get the approval for his name from Fomula One Management (FOM) and as well as Bernie Eccletone," a highly reliable source of the Jaypee Group mentioned.
They added that they sent him the invite long time ago. We are confident he will come this time.
(AW- Anil)