Laptop major, Lenovo has today has unveiled new notebook, which will be rolled out into the world market by the end of this month. Named ThinkPad X1 Carbon, this laptop The company officials have told the media that the latest ThinkPad would look like a tablet and also a laptop. The weight of this laptop is around 1.3 kilograms unlike the weight of previous ThinkPad, which used to be 1.7 kilograms.
The best feature of ThinkPad X1 Carbon was the battery. The life of the battery would be up to eight hours. The price of this laptop was, however, not revealed by the company. The company has claimed that new ThinkPad would be comparatively much thinner and much faster. The officials expected that it would receive a good response across the globe especially in India, where Lenovo is a market player.
(AW Phani)