Fairy tale love stories are hard to be practiced in real lifeā¦ but you can for sure keep your relationship happy by following these tips;
Of course you own your partner... but, this definitely not means that the other person even owns his/her self respect to you... you need to keep this in mind and never hurt your partner's self respect...
Recognize your partner's efforts to make you happy or even a small thing done for you... 'Thank you' and any other note of appreciation would really make your partner happy...
Researchers have revealed that routine and dullness can lead your relationship to also be routine... so, every now and then, try impressing your partner in your way... necessarily not costly gifts and surprises every time... you could leave a simple note or message that states how much you love your partner... this will definitely bring back that 'charm' in your relationship.
Not just love all the time... even arguments are a part of the relationship... every time you are arguing with your partner, no matter on what issue, never let that argument go here and there and end with nothing... always fight right and stick to the issue or the point in your argument as well...
Never pin point your partner no matter how big or small the mistake other person has done... you have decided to live with your partner and accept as the way he/she is... then concentrate on living every moment happily rather than digging on past, that gives you nothing...