Utoya island massacre

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  • Norway’s ruling Labour Party, terror in Oslo, mass killer s badge made by indian firm, Utoya island massacre

    Mass killer’s badge made by Indian firm 26 July 2011

    The 32-year old Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, who was arrested for en masse murder of around 90 people in a tourist Island near Oslo on Saturday and who praised India’s Hindu nationalist movement in the manifesto of his...

    Keywords: bomb blast in Oslo Extremism in Norway, Oslo bombing, right wing extremist, Anders Behring Breivik

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    right wing extremist, Oslo bombing, norwegian mass killer influenced by hindutva, Utoya island massacre

    Norwegian mass killer influenced by Hindutva 26 July 2011

      Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, who was arrested for en masse murder of around 90 people on Saturday, praised India’s Hindu nationalist movement in the manifesto of his proposed organization the Justiciar Knights.  He said in his manifesto...

    Keywords: Norwegian mass killer, Anders Behring Breivik, Extremism in Norway, Norway terror attack

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