Software professional

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  • health problems of software professionals, health problems of software professionals, software jobs found to harm ability to produce children, Software professional

    Software jobs found to harm ability to produce children 16 September 2013

    The term 'professional hazards' has taken on a new meaning in the present day. Now, hazards at work involves back pains, neck aches, headaches and other such ailments that arise from sitting still for too long. However, that's not all....

    Keywords: dangers of sedentary jobs, health problems of software professionals, role of software jobs in decreasing fertility, Hazards of software jobs

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    New Jersey, New Jersey, female indian techie son brutally murdered in the us, Software professional

    Female Indian Techie, Son Brutally Murdered In The US 24 March 2017

    In another big tragic incident, an Indian woman and her seven-year-old son was found dead, under suspicious circumstances, in their residence, in Mappleset area, in New Jersey, US. The victims were N Sasikala (40) and her son Anish Sai (7),...

    Keywords: USA, USA, Son, Software professional

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    Software Engineer (Profession), Software professional agony Video, video software professional agony, Software professional

    Video: Software professional agony 19 July 2014

    Here is a software professional in his hilarious conversation with one of his friends, expresses his agony being part of the IT field. Well, he starts his chat from office phone and then he talks about each and every issue...

    Keywords: Software Engineer (Profession), Quick news, super comedy telugu short film, Quick news

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    potholes, potholes, software professional run over by car succumbed to injuries, Software professional

    Software Professional Run over by car, Succumbed to Injuries 14 September 2016

    In a tragic incident, An IBM employee died while he was trying to avoid a pothole in Madhapur on Tuesday.Police sources said "Chanakya Reddy, 24, a native of Kurnool, was working as a software engineer at the IBM campus in...

    Keywords: IBM employee, death, IBM employee, death

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    teaching professional, Human resource expert, marketing a funda for life, Software professional

    Marketing, a funda for ‘life’! 21 December 2011

    You might be a Software professional or a Human Resource expert or in a teaching professional or a Marketing professional as well. Marketing your positives and proving how you are different from others, that too in the organization you are...

    Keywords: Software professional, Marketing professional., Human resource expert, Software professional

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    tips for beauty, tips for beauty, slight difference could make a major change, Software professional

    Slight difference could make a major change! 23 March 2012

    For certain things, on doing or not doing them, as to how to execute them, how to make those work or not and about the entire plan or structure as such, we would be much sure about the same. And...

    Keywords: Lifestyle, tips for body confident, tips for body confident, Software professionals.

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