Juvenile justice bill

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  • India news, Juvenile bill passed in Rajyasabha, juvenile justice bill passed in rajyasabha, Juvenile justice bill

    Juvenile Justice Bill passed in Rajyasabha 23 December 2015

    Finally, Rajya Sabha passed the Juvenile Justice Bill yesterday, ensuring that, even 16-year-olds, involved in heinous crimes will be considered as adults and prosecuted. After 2012 Delhi gang rape incident has occurred and a juvenile, involved in the crime was released...

    Keywords: Juvenile justice bill, Juvenile bill passed in Rajyasabha, Juvenile justice bill, Juvenile justice bill

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    National Crime Records Bureau, National Crime Records Bureau, juvenile justice board to assess crime committed as a child or as an adult, Juvenile justice bill

    Juvenile Justice Board to assess, crime committed as a 'child' or as an 'adult' 07 May 2015

    The central government has moved the Juvenile Justice Bill in the Lok Sabha which will allow children in the 16-18 age group to be tried as adults if they commit heinous crimes. Data from the National Crime Records Bureau says...

    Keywords: 2000, Juvenile Justice Act, Juvenile Justice Act, Juvenile Justice Act

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