• blood flow in preterm cesarean infants, umbilical cord ‘milking’ improves blood flow in infants, cord milking makes blood flow in preterm caesarean infants, Caesarean

    Cord ‘milking’ makes blood flow in preterm Caesarean infants 30 June 2015

    According to a recent study, the researchers finds that cord milking is efficient than delayed cord clamping for improving blood flow in premature infants delivered by caesarean. The study is published online in Pediatrics.According to the National Institutes of Health...

    Keywords: how to improve blood flow in preterm infants, Cord ‘milking’ can improve blood flow in Preemies, benefits of cord ‘milking’, blood flow in preterm cesarean infants

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    Baby birth, C-section, children born by caesarian prone more to obesity, Caesarean

    Children Born By Caesarian Prone More To Obesity 27 February 2014

    A study by the UK researchers revealed that the children born through caesarian are prone more for obesity in their later part of life compared to those borne naturally.  38000 births were analyzed to come to this conclusion.  It was...

    Keywords: vaginal birth, caesarian birth, Study on caesarian, Baby birth

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    Autism risk is not linked with Caesarean section, autism spectrum is not linked to caesarean, autism spectrum disorder in kids is not linked to c section study revealed, Caesarean

    Autism spectrum disorder in kids is not linked to C-section, study revealed 26 June 2015

    A new study found that babies born via caesarean section are not at greater risk of developing autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study has been published in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry.Autism is a neurobehavioral disorder that includes impairment in...

    Keywords: c-sections linked to autism in kids, autism spectrum is not linked to caesarean, Autism risk is not linked with Caesarean section, c-sections linked to autism in kids

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