Do you think cosmetics can make you look appear gorgeous? If yes, then you got it wrong. Cosmetics contain harmful chemicals, which will not make you look appear good, but will make your skin saggs in time. What you see in mirror is always a perception...ask people who really look beautiful as to what's their beauty secret and you would get completely different answers.
Healthy diet: Healthy diet doesn't mean you should starve. Avoid eating junk foods including ice cream. You will surely get a glow on your face when you adhere to healthy and balance diet. Make sure you drink milk daily and take sufficient fibre food. The moment you develop bowel problems, your beauty will go for toss. And you can keep your bowel movements under you control by taking sufficient fibre food.
Yoga: Yoga will not only keep your mind healthy but even your body and when your body is toned, you will automatically get that glow on your face. If you think you cannot bend and take different postures, then just sit straight and meditate.
In take of water: Drink lots and lots of water. This is the best way to keep your skin fresh and clean. In take of sufficient water will flush your kidneys too. One can put acne at bay with intake of good amount of water.
Sleep: Irregular sleep is one of the reason why you develop saggy skin and dark spots around your eyes. Make sure that your sleep at least six hours in a day. The sleep timings should also be regular.
Follow these simple healthy tips and remain beautiful. Say goodbye to cosmetics right away!
(AW Phani)