Two art lovers were accidentally locked in bank and were suffered for few hours severely staying there itself.
Jacob Church, 21, and Joe Tobin, 29, were at an art exhibition in an old bank building watching the arts and suddenly the door was closed behind them and left them trapped in total darkness.
Continuously for five hours, they are locked in air-tight vault. They both were given water through a tube to stop them becoming dehydrated while the police constantly inquired about their oxygen levels and provided the oxygen accordingly.
Later, fire crews drilled the thick concrete walls and rescued the both art lovers.
After releasing from the trap, one of the trapped art lover Mr Church said: "The door slammed behind us, at first we sort of laughed but when we phoned our friends to come and let us out they couldn't.
"After about 20 minutes of hearing banging on the door we realized no one could get us out.
"You would think someone would have the code for the door."
The bank vault break-in took place in an old Lloyds TSB building in central Cardiff, south Wales, taken over by local artists as an exhibition space.
The building is now called the Abacus and was celebrating the opening of the Look No Hands exhibition described by its curators as "an eyeball massacre and a massage of visionary art."
by Phani