Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao's dreams of skyscrapers around Hussainsagar is expected to start with the construction of a ground-hugging convention centre, Telangana Kala Bharathi, in the vacant land opposite Indira Park. 40 locations have been identified for construction of skyscrapers including the world's tallest tower at Sanjeeviah Park on the bank of Hussainsagar. Several hitches have aroused in the government's plans for taking over land for these projects.
Skyscrapers are yet to be formalised, but the state government has proposed a 100-floor skyscraper on the TB and Chest Hospital premises at Erragadda for the Telangana secretariat. Offices housed in Buddha Bhavan, Burgula Ramakrishna Rao Bhavan and Text Book Printing Press has to be relocated before bulldozing them for skyscrapers. The Sailing Club and some other private organisations for which were given land on lease by the government and the Ranigunj bus depot cannot be taken over by the government as bifurcation of RTC is yet to be completed. Other locations at Kundanbagh, Patigadda, Youth Hostel, Raghava Sadan, Nursing colony, Dilkusha Guest House, Greenlands, New MLA Quarters and Electricity Bhavan face similar problems. Clearances such as No Objection Certificate (NOC) have to be obtained from the Airport Authority of India (AAI) and the heritage characters of some buildings also need to be looked into by the state government.
By Premji