Nara Chandrababu Naidu's Padayatra, Vastunna Mee Kosam in Anantapur district reaches ninth day on Wednesday. The leader addressed various meetings enroute from Virupa Palli in Belugappa Mandal to Hanakanahal village in Kanekal Mandal in the district. Encouraged by the surging crowds the leader turned more spirited and gave away, as usual, many sops to the crowds with a condition that subject to TDP ushering to power at the electorate in the 2014 General Elections.
The 61 years old Veteran was moved by the plight of the people in the district. He said the government must be like a custodian of public assets but it is behaving otherwise. The leaders received a tumultuous flower carpet welcome at Sirpi village. Nearly two KM stretch was decked up with flowers by his cadre. He also obliged a bike rider after much persuasion and traveled as pillion for some time.
In one of the Dalit residences the leader even made a significant financial contributions towards their welfare, after looking at their pathetic state of affairs. Later he visited farms and had a look at the dried crop and consoled the farmers while reminding them of the crop insurance scheme during the TDP era.
Addressing a massive rally the leader said that TDP would strive for the betterment of the Physically Handicapped (PH) and women in particular. He said no sooner his government forms, the first sanction would be to uplift the pension for the PH to Rs 1,500. He also lashed out at the ruling government and the one led by Late YS Rajashekar Reddy. On the whole the TDP's think tank's strategy seems to be working right with crowds increasing at a rapid pace every day for Vastunna Mee Kosam. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)