All roads leading to the CBI offices, beside the Raj Bhavan, are cordoned off with high security. The CBI office in the Dilkusha Guest House is the area where most media vans are camped the last three days. As the investigating agency is questioning the YSR Congress Chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy in the disproportionate assets case. The Kadapa MP was on time at the CBI office for a fresh round of questioning on Sunday. The CBI sleuths have been grilling the leader the last two days and today is the third day.
Meanwhile noted industrialist Nimmagadda Prasad and bureaucrat KV Brahmananda Reddy detention in CBI custody in the DA case has reached the tenth day. They are lodged in the Chanchaguda Prison and were brought to the CBI office again this morning. CBI custody granted by the court to both of them ends today.
The CBI inquiry into Jagan's business empire and the source of its funds was ordered by the Andhra Pradesh High Court in August 2011. CBI alleges that when the late YSR was in office, he had abused his power and conspired with the ministers to influence entrepreneurs to invest in his son’s companies for favors from the government. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)