The Delhi high court has ruled that the strike of Air India pilots was against the law. The court mentioned that Air India would be damaged to an irreparable extent with such strikes. The government has nodded for discussions with Air India pilots. It, however, ruled out that such strikes would not be entertained hereafter as public money cannot be diverted to pacify the agitating strikers.
The government clearly indicated that it would not tolerate if pilots resort to strike yet another time after the discussions. It has also laid down a condition and demanded the pilots to tender unconditional apology to the passengers of Air India.
Notably, it was government that approached the court of law against the on going Air India pilots demanding the release of unpaid salaries. The Air India had to cancel several flights due to strike and many passengers reportedly faced inconvenience. Meanwhile, the government has terminated another ten Air India pilots from the services today.
Nonetheless, the pilots clearly stated that the strike would go on till Sunday. (Phani)