Tamil superstar Rajinikanth visited Tirumala on Wednesday and had darshan of the Lord Balaji along with his family members. He offered prayers and obeisance to the Lord for blessing him with a new lease of life post his prolonged ailment.
The 60-year old Rajani was flown to Singapore for specialized medical treatment for kidney dysfunction three months ago. He returned to India last month with perfect health.
The actor, accompanied by his wife Latha, daughters Soundarya and Aishwarya and sons-in-law Ashwin and Dhanush, offered prayers to the Lord and sought the blessings of the Almighty.
Keeping up his vow, he offered 75 kg of Kalakanda (some sort of specialized sugar material used in Prasadam making) equaling his weight to the Lord Venkateswara. The Tulabharam was conducted in the presence of the temple officials.
Mrs Latha Rajanikanth also offered her hair to the Lord to keep up her vow for blessing her husband with good health.
Reports said actor Mohan Babu, a close friend of Rajanikanth, made arrangements for the darshan of the actor’s family. There was a near stampede at the temple as the visiting pilgrims gathered in thousands to take a look at the ravishing actor.