Three years ago there was a makeshift imposition of a ban on the plastic bags in the city but the use of the plastic bags all over the city was still rampant. However with the decision of a comprehensive blanket ban on the use, storage, sale and manufacture was approved on Tuesday, greener days are definitely ahead for Delhi.
The newer ban is expected to be more effective than before as than the previous ban which had only restricted the use, storage and sale of the bags in commercial areas. Sheila Dixit, the chief minister for Delhi, also said that the violators would not be let go freely this time.
"There will be no leniency in implementing the blanket ban and crackdown on violators will be more aggressive this time," chief minister Sheila Dikshit said.
The notification for the ban would be mentioned soon and within one year of the notification the ban would be in force, full-fledged. The decision comes after the government realized that the ban was poorly thought out and implemented. It has now sealed all the glaring loopholes in the law.
The ban has been extended to include all plastic bags, even those made of virgin or bio-degradable plastic of 40 microns or more thickness, which had previously been permitted. The only exception will be use of plastic carry bags under the Bio-Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules of 1998.
The ban now includes manufacturing of plastic bags and use of plastic sheets, films or covers for packaging books, magazines or cards making it further more effective.
(AW- Anil)