The Secretary of State of the US, Hillary Clinton received an unsavory welcome on her visit to Egypt on Sunday. Ms Clinton’s convoy was targeted with tomatoes and used footwear by protestors. Demonstrators also mocked at her by shouting chanted 'Monica, Monica' in reference to Bill Clinton's extra-marital affair, while some more shouted, 'Leave, Clinton.' However unnerved Ms Clinton made her point very clear that US was neither instrumental nor instigated in the change of guard in Egypt. During her visit she visited the country's new Islamist President, Mohammed Morsi and the country's top general, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi.
She discussed at length with the leaders about the Egypt's turbulent democratic transition as the military wrestles for influence with the new president. The talks also were centered around the increasingly lawless Sinai region and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
However, the US Secretary for State made herself clear about the various impending process in democracy. She said, 'When we talk about supporting democracy, we mean real democracy. To us real democracy means that every citizen has the right to live, work and worship as they choose, whether they are man or woman, Christian or Muslim. Real democracy means that no group or faction or leader can impose their will, their ideology, their religion, their desires on anyone else.' One positive signal from the Military aggression was that after the meeting Mr Tantawi addressed the army and said, said the army respected the presidency but would not be deterred from its role of 'protecting' Egypt.
Her oft repeated stands of security for women and Christians would have struck chord with many who were fearing the Muslim military regime. However, this visit of Ms Clinton ought remembered by her forever. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)